TikTok Album LookALike Challenge is Music to Our Eyes and Ears
The Album LookALike Challenge is actually pretty creative.
Published 4 years ago in Funny
TikTok gets a lot of harsh criticism from those who don't use it. And rightfully so, as there's even a current trend of peeing your pants for views. Every once in awhile those kids will get it right, even if it's not very often. I go on TikTok so you don't have to!
This week I noticed a couple of trends and my favorite has to be this one. Creators are using props, makeup, you name it to make themselves look like their favorite album cover. It's easier to watch than have me explain it.
These all use an instrumental of a remix of a Dave Brubeck song called "Kathy's Waltz". Made famous 3 years ago by a basketball YouTuber named JxmyHighroller
I might be inspired to make my own version of the #AlbumLookAlike trend but I'm not sure which album I'd choose. Any ideas?